EFP 11 Week 2 – Preview

  1. Homework is due on Monday Sept 9 (homework page)
  2. We will start the films on Monday Sept 9 – for each film there is a quiz (on Tuesdays) (Quiz 1 study guide) – the films help prepare you for the Unit I Test (Oct. 2)
  3. We will start Essay 1 Assignment on Monday Sept 9 (Essay 1 Overview)
  4. There is another quick quiz on Friday Sept 13 (Week 2 Quick Quiz Study Guide)

Monday 9/9

Tuesday 9/10

Wednesday 9/11

  • Theories of Narrative – Readings and Discussions:
    • The Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative (King, T.)
    • Conversations with Canadians (Maracle, L.)
    • Narrative Construction of Reality (Bruner)
    • The Sasquatch at Home (Robinson)
    • Potlatch as Pedagogy: Learning Through Ceremony (Florence Davidson and Davidson)

Friday 9/13

Mr. Kertes is an English teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

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