Week 2 Preview Notes and Study Guides

Welcome to week 2 of English 9.

  1. Homework
    • Prompts 1-4 are due on Mon Sept 9
  2. Quiz 1 – Romeo and Juliet
    • You will either view the film on Mon/Tues or Wed/Thurs (Sept 9/10 or Sept 11/12)
    • You will either take the quiz on Tues or Thurs
  3. Essay 1 – Assignment Overview
    • We will start Essay 1 this week
  4. Week 2 Quick Quiz
    • The quick quiz is on Fri
  5. Unit I Test (will be on Oct. 2, preparation for this test starts Mon Sept 9)

Mr. Kertes is an English teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

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