Week 2 Preview Notes and Study Guides

Welcome to week 2 of English 9.

  1. Homework
    • Prompts 1-4 are due on Mon Sept 9
  2. Quiz 1 – Romeo and Juliet
    • You will either view the film on Mon/Tues or Wed/Thurs (Sept 9/10 or Sept 11/12)
    • You will either take the quiz on Tues or Thurs
  3. Essay 1 – Assignment Overview
    • We will start Essay 1 this week
  4. Week 2 Quick Quiz
    • The quick quiz is on Fri
  5. Unit I Test (will be on Oct. 2, preparation for this test starts Mon Sept 9)

Mr. Kertes is a Language Arts teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

2024-25 Term 2 Courses