Key Concepts Test

  1. You have three tries to complete this. You can continue trying if you need more tries.
  2. The aim: 100% correct.
  3. Each time you try, you will erase any wrong answers but keep correct answers. Then you will focus only on what you missed.
  4. You must attempt three times to pass.
  5. You must achieve 100% correct to exceed the minimal passing grade (to exceed a final grade of 50 in EFP 11 or to exceed an final grade of Emerging in English 9).
  6. You can have as many tries as needed to learn all the material required to achieve 100%.

The questions:

  1. According to Mr. Kertes, what is the purpose of this class?
  2. What is your goal for this class? (Must relate to one of the three learning levels.)
  3. How will you achieve your goal for this class? (Must relate to a learning level and must show that you know how to learn, and demonstrate, that level.)
  4. What are the four models of this class? (Later, you will draw the chart for each model. But for this question, just list the four models.)
  5. Define theory.
  6. Define thesis.
  7. Explain how writing makes thinking visible. (Must show that you know the main point of it all, according to your notes.)
  8. How do you write a pre-university level paper in this class? (Must show that you can summarize how to apply the essential components of a writing as a system and that you can also show the essential steps of writing as a process.)
  9. Draw each of the four models (from question 4). Label them. Be comprehensive and clear in your answer. Must show that you know the key concepts and the key models in their entirety.

Mr. Kertes is a Language Arts teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

2024-25 Term 2 Courses