Essay 2 (In-Class)

Essay 2 is part of the Midterm Exam week. You must work in-class on this assessment for 220 minutes.

Write an expository essay about an idea that is related to a theme in one of the course texts covered so far. You will be provided with notes, passages, and related materials that you can use in your essay.

You must:

  1. Write wondering notes from the materials provided.
  2. Write a plan using the format taught for Essay 1.
  3. Write an outline using the format taught for Essay 1.
  4. Write preparing notes from the materials provided.
  5. Write draft 1 (rough draft).
  6. Write draft 2 (final draft) (show revision).
  7. Use MLA format.
  8. Include at least three in-text citations (quotes or paraphrases) using the correct MLA format.
  9. Demonstrate that you can apply the writing process to produce and share knowledge, which includes knowing how to:
    • Write a focusing question
    • Develop a theory
    • Write a thesis
    • Develop three supporting points for your thesis
    • Use the LOAs
    • Use the Five Fs
    • Use systems-thinking
    • Apply the Six Stages of Writing

Mr. Kertes is a Language Arts teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

2024-25 Term 2 Courses