Category: B2 Blog

Midterm Update

Thursday March 6

  • Progress reports emailed home to parent/guardian

Friday March 7

Monday March 10

Tuesday March 11 or Thursday March 13

  • If Essay 1 is not done, finish it (in-class or morning homework help) before you can start the midterm tests
  • If Essay 1 is done, then March 11/13 and March 12 are In-Class Essay 2 (midterm essay)

Wednesday March 12

  • If Essay 1 is not done, finish it (in-class or morning homework help) before you can start the midterm tests
  • In-Class Essay 2 (see above)

Friday March 14

  • Midterm Exam
  • Progress report emailed home (all students). This is your midterm grade. You may revise it by completing missing work on the make up day or during homework help.

Quiz 1

Quiz 1 will be at the start of class on Monday February 10.

The questions are:

  1. What is the purpose of the class?
    • Any of the following answers would be correct…
      • The purpose of the class is to learn to read, write and think.
      • The purpose of the class is to get smarter, more powerful, and more attractive.
      • The purpose of the class is to learn how to write at the high school level.
      • The purpose of the class is to learn how to write at the pre-university level.
      • The purpose of the class is to learn how to be a scholar, or to how to produce knowledge using theoretical thinking.
      • The propose of the class is to learn how to pass and graduate high school, so you can attain a high school diploma and learn what a high school education has to offer.
  2. How will you get yourself smarter, more powerful, and more attractive?
    • I will get myself smarter, more powerful, and more attractive by writing.
  3. How do you make your thinking visible?
    • I make my thinking visible by writing.
  4. What are the three levels of learning for this course?
    • The three levels of learning for this course are passing, high school, and pre-university.
  5. Define theory.
    • Theory explains how or why using rigorous and systematic thinking.

Mr. Kertes is a Language Arts teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

2024-25 Term 2 Courses