Essay 1

Write an expository essay using the topic and theme provided. Develop your own subtopic, focusing question, theory, and thesis. Develop your own three supporting points.

You must complete and turn in:

  1. Wondering Stage notes
  2. Plan (topic, subtopic, theme, focusing question, theory, thesis, supporting points 1, 2, and 3)
  3. Outline
  4. Preparing Stage notes
  5. Draft 1
  6. Draft 2
  7. Draft 3

You must:

  1. Produce work at one of the learning levels (passing level, high school level, or pre-university level).
  2. For high school level and pre-university level, you must focus on one, and only one, thesis.
  3. Use MLA format.
  4. Include at least three in-text citations.
  5. Show that you know the point of writing an essay (meaning, show that you can read at the high school and/or pre-university level). You must read to understand.
  6. Write a paper that makes sense (passing level), that describes and includes a point (thesis), or that explains (at the level of theory with sound evidence in support of your theory and its related thesis).
  7. Write about something you care about (or be able to fake this).
  8. Write in your own voice.
  9. Your essay (drafts and other materials included) should show that you applied revision, which is the most important part of the process. You must provide evidence of revision and of the Revise Stage.
  10. Turn in all parts of the process and be able to describe/explain how your work reflects that you know the point of writing an essay in high school, show how it demonstrates that you can read at the high school and/or pre-university level, and that you understand how writing is a process and and a system, which helps you produce and share knowledge by making your thinking visible.

Mr. Kertes is a Language Arts teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

2024-25 Term 2 Courses