Midterm Exam

This is a timed test. You must work on it (attempt, approximate, or complete/master) it for 80 minutes. If you do not do this on the Exam Day, you can make it up during homework help or on a make up day.

  1. How is writing a system? (Notes will be provided.)
  2. How is writing a process? (Notes will be provided.)
  3. How did you apply systems-thinking in Essay 1 and Essay 2? (You can use your essays for this question.)
  4. What are the key concepts and how did you apply them in Essay 1 and Essay 2? (Notes will be provided.) (You can use your essays for this question.)
  5. Compare Essay 1 and Essay 2. Describe how they compare. Explain what this shows about your learning so far.
  6. Describe the following theories of learning: ZPD, Cognitive Cliff, Approximation with Intensification. (Notes will be provided.) Then connect your learning to the theories, with specific connections to Essay 1 and Essay 2 (the process of writing them and what the evidence produced by writing them demonstrates). (You can use your essays for this question.)
  7. Explain why revision is the most important stage in the writing process.
  8. Explain how writing is a process for producing and sharing knowledge. Connect this to your life. Reflect on why this matters to you.
  9. Explain how writing an essay helps you learn to read at the high school and/or pre-university level. (Notes will be provided.) Be specific. Connect to your work this term.
  10. How does writing make you smarter? Connect to ZPD.
  11. How does writing make you more powerful? Connect to systems-thinking.
  12. How does writing make you more attractive? Connect to the LOA of reflect, connect, and metacognition.
  13. What, in your view, is the value of learning to be literate at the high school and/or pre-university level? Does this, in your view, matter to you? Why or why not?

Mr. Kertes is a Language Arts teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

2024-25 Term 2 Courses