Romance Novel Study Assignments

Quiz 7 Read a young adult romance novel from the class set of thirty choices as part of the Future of Writing Presentation. Then take a quiz to demonstrate that you have read and understand the key selling features of the book (for the purpose of publishing it, another book like it, or better – likely to be more profitable – book like it). You choose your book for this quiz and project (each book is assigned to a specific seat/desk). Other YA romance novel choices are available. 

Future of Writing Presentation Working as part of a group (of your choice), develop a marketing plan and book proposal that will result in an instant best seller and help you and your team get a big bonus from the YA publishing division where you work, applying the models, systems, and processes of this course. You will use only AI to write your materials, make your book cover, write a bio of your author, and develop your business plan. In addition, you will create social media content using both AI and your group members. This project connects to the novel you read for Quiz 7. There are three parts to this assignment for marking: Part 1 – Business Plan; Part 2 – Research Notes; and Part 3 – Presentation/Discussion Participation.

Mr. Kertes is a Language Arts teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

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2024-25 Term 2 Courses