Student Led Conferences

Student Led Conferences are this week. You can sign up at this link. Plan for 10-15 minutes.

Monday Nov. 4

  • 2:00 PM – Student Led Conferences with a Peer
  • 3:15-5:00 PM – Student Led Conferences with a Parent/Guardian (sign up)

Wednesday Nov. 6

  • 5:00-9:00 PM – Student Led Conferences with a Parent/Guardian (sign up)

Friday Nov. 8

  • 3:15-5:00 PM – Student Led Conferences with a Parent/Guardian (sign up)

Mr. Kertes is a Language Arts teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

Tom Kertes Resume and CV

2024-25 Term 2 Courses