English 9 (A2)

Course Overview

  1. Course Outline
  2. Course Calendar
    • Homework Due (50 prompts) – Most Mondays
    • Quizzes (7 regular quizzes + 2 quick quizzes) – Dates Vary
    • Unit I Test – Oct 2
    • Essay 1 Due – Oct 11
    • Key Concepts Test – Oct 18
    • Midterm Exam Week – Oct 28 to Nov 1
    • Student Led Conference – Nov 1, Nov 6, or Nov 7
    • Key Concepts Test – Nov 14
    • Key Concepts Test – Dec 13
    • Unit II Test – Dec 17
    • Learning Story Test – Dec 18
    • Essay 2 Due – Dec 20
    • Presentations – Jan 14 or 16
    • Summation Test – Jan 17
    • Final Exam Week – Jan 20 to Jan 24
  3. Informal Progress Reports
    • Report #1 – Oct 11
    • Catch Up Report (only sent home if you are missing work) – Oct 18
    • Report #2 – Nov 1
    • Report #3 – Dec 20
    • Report #4 – Jan 16
    • Report #5 – Jan 24

Homework Prompts

  1. English 9 Homework Prompts

Assignment Overviews

  1. Essay 1

Study Guides

  1. Week 1 Quick Quiz
  2. What is theory?
  3. What is a thesis?
  4. What is systems thinking?
  5. Who is Lev Vygotsky?
  6. Overview of English Course Models and Frameworks
  7. Week 2 Quick Quiz
  8. Quiz 1 – Romeo and Juliet

Mr. Kertes is an English teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.

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2024-25 Term 2 Courses