The welcome letter is posted here.
Overview from today is here.
Overview from today is here.
The study guide for the quiz on Friday Sept. 6 is here.
We will go over the definitions and elements of the models on the first day of school. We will review for the quiz each day as well.
The study guide for the quiz on Friday Sept. 6 is here.
We will go over the definitions and elements of the models on the first day of school. We will review for the quiz each day as well.
Join the CHSS Business Club to learn about entrepreneurial leadership and develop your business skills. New members are invited to learn more at an information meeting on Tuesday Sept. 17th in room 308 during lunch. All new, interested, and current club members are welcome.
Help publish the Frontiers Student Magazine by joining the Charles Hays Journalism Club. You can learn more about the club and magazine by attending an information meeting on Tuesday Sept. 10 during lunch in room 308.
WEDNESDAY SEPT 11 MEETING New, interested, and current members of the Debate Team are invited to the first practice of the year on Wednesday Sept 11. We will meet in room 308 after school. Learn more about joining the team, go over the calendar of tournaments and other events, and help elect this year’s Squad Captains. All students are welcome.
The Course Outline for EFP 11 is here.