Category: English 9 Homework

Eng 9 Feb 26 Update

Today we:

  • Continued The Outsiders novel study reading
  • Looked over the calendar and adjusted some of the due dates
    • The expository essay is still due Mar 4
    • The short story report is now due Mar 8
    • The poetry reflection report is now due Apr 5
    • You must view the film before you can start the Mid Term Exam
      • Watch it in class (attend class on the day of the viewing)
      • Watch in homework help (most Mondays after school, be sure to schedule this), on a Catch Up Afternoon (12:30-3:00 on Mar 5 and Mar 7) or on a Make Up Day
      • Watch at home (get parent/guardian note + write 5-paragraph summary essay of the film)
      • Watch during test day and then make up the test during homework help, catch up afternoon, or make up day
    • You must have at least partially completed the expository essay before you can start the Mid Term Exam
  • Went over the study guide for the Mid Term exam
  • We did not have time to go over narrative theory, so this will not be part of the expository essay (we will cover this on Friday so that you can use this part of the cognitive toolbox for the next essay, including for the Mid Term exam in-class essay)
  • Completed Quiz 3
    • What are the levels of analysis?
    • What is metacognition?
    • How is metacognition used in this class?
    • Who was Lev Vygotsky?
    • What are the levels of the “ZPD Target”?
    • Draw the ZPD Target and Cognitive Toolbox.
  • Completed Homework 4
    • Write a 3-4 sentence summary of the article on Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” song.
  • Completed Speed Write 13 (Metacognition)
  • Completed Speed Write 15 (Expository essay idea)

Here are photos from the board:

English 9 Homework #3 (Due Feb 9)


STEP 1: View the poem “Stop all the clocks” (“Funeral Blues”) by Auden three times – viewing each video once:

STEP 2: Answer the following questions, using the format from last week and covered in class this week. Each answer (for each question) should be 1-3 sentences. Be sure to include the question in the answer.

  1. Describe Video 1 (Man Reading Poem).
  2. Describe Video 2 (Cartoon with Woman Voiceover).
  3. Describe Video 3 (Movie Scene).
  4. Explain how video 1 and video 2 are different (biggest difference in your view).
  5. Explain why video 1 and video 2 are different (your own analysis).
  6. What can you infer about the relationship of the man reading the poem (in video 3) and the man who died (the character in the movie)?
  7. What can you infer about the relationship of the narrator in the poem and the man who died (the character in the poem)?


Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I
thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

W H Auden


infer = to figure something out using the evidence, even if the point is not explicit
explicit = when something is said “outright” or very clearly
implicit = when something is said “between the lines” or you have to figure out what is being said (from what is “between the lines” or from clues and evidence)
describe = using facts or other forms of evidence (also called Filler in this class) – this is the describe-level LOA (facts, examples, evidence, ideas, beliefs, quotes, etc.) (the questions at this level are: when? where? what? who? how many?)
explain = using your own conclusion (also called theory, thesis, and Focus in this class) – this is the explain-level LOA (the questions at this level are: why? how?) — the point of any high school or college/university level paper is to explain (at its best, explain is theoretical, systematic, based on evidence, developed, makes sense, and reflects your own analysis and understanding – it explains reality as reality actually is)
relationship = having to do with the connection-level LOA (the question at this level is: how does it connect?)


A big idea of in this homework is to notice that there are two “minds” in the text. One “mind” is that of the narrator – a made up person. Who is this (made-up) person? Are they a man? A woman? Non-binary person? Etc.? The other “mind” is Auden, the author, a real person who once was alive and very real. Who is he? How does the author relate to the character, the made-up “voice” of the poem? In addition, for this assignment is there is an additional set of made-up and real people. The fictional character in a movie reads the poem, at his partner’s funeral. That fictional character is reading a poem by a real person, connecting the fictional world of the movie to the real world that real people live in. There are now two authors: The author of the poem. The author of the film. And there are two fictional worlds: The world of the poem. And the world of the movie.

Eng 9 HW#2

Due date: Friday Feb. 2

General Instructions for Homework

  1. Homework is usually posted on Friday mornings – the week before it is due.
  2. Homework is only posted on the website. There is no handout.
  3. We will usually discuss the homework for the next week on Friday. We do this in-class.
  4. Complete homework on lined paper. Be sure to follow the format. For the poem itself, copy it as closely to the original format as possible. Spelling, punctuation, spacing, etc. should match the original. If it does not match, you may be asked to redo it. For your answers, double space. Spelling does not count. But you must indent correctly and you must use correct punctuation and correct capitalization. Neatness matters – it should be readable.
  5. Turn in your homework on most Fridays (check due dates on the course outline). If you have late or missing homework, you must work on it in class during breaks until caught up.

HW#2 Instructions

  1. Read the poem Doesn’t Every Poet Write a Poem about Unrequited Love? by Mary Oliver.
  2. Read it again. Outloud.
  3. Then read it one more time.
  4. Copy the poem on a sheet of lined paper. (See above notes for instructions.)
  5. Circle 3 examples of alliteration.
  6. Underline 3 examples of sensory imagery.
  7. Answer the following questions (using 1-3 short but complete sentences and include the questions in each answer — meaning that the total # of sentences for the assignment = 3-9):
    • The person speaking in the poem says that “in matters of love of this kind there are things that we long to do but must not do”. Write a brief example of something that your average high school student in Prince Rupert may long to do, when in love, but that they must not do if the person they love does not love them back.
    • The person speaking in the poem, they love someone. Describe how they feel, given that the person they love does not love them back.
    • Is the person speaking in the poem acting like someone truly in love? Are they acting like someone should when they (truly) love someone? Why or why not? What would you do? What would you want to do?


  1. unrequited love = when you love someone (in the romantic way) but they do not love you back
  2. alliteration = when the starting sounds are the same (silly sally is smart)
  3. sensory imagery = using all the senses (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) to render (paint in the mind of the reader) an “image” of the setting or experience being described

Mr. Kertes is an English teacher in Prince Rupert, in the territory of the Ts’msyen, at Charles Hays Secondary School - home of the Rainmakers.